Sunday, February 07, 2010


is hard.
I look forward to seeing how God's promises are fulfilled
in the next weeks and months.

all pictures from these two wonderful photographers: and

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So I thought I'd pop in here and say hi... I'm sitting on my couch waiting for time to pass so that I can go to work. Somehow, I managed to get ready in less than the usual time, so my coffee and I are just chillin'...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Some pics

Woops... I forgot to post some pictures. But here are some from this past weekend. More camping, another wedding, and the Devonian Botanic Gardens..

I love seeing my shadow in the summer. I took this picture after a particularly long week of miserable weather - rain and wind for days in a row. The sun was so refreshing!

This is me, my parents and my brother on the Suspension Bridge in Drumheller...

Outdoor flowers at De's wedding... Her mom is such an amazing gardener!

Believe it or not, this is actually from a cactus...

That'll be all for now...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Vacations are little reset buttons in my soul...

I've decided that vacations (even short ones) are little presents that God gives us so we don't all up and actually go insane, rocking in the corner and pulling out our hair. At the end of a very very long week, I managed to swing some time off to go camping with my family. After about an hour of driving and 10 minutes by the fire roasting marshmallows, life had calmed down, and the freak-outs from the week were (nearly) forgotten. By the end of the weekend, I was almost ready to join the world of child-care workers again.

Pics to come...

Sunday, July 05, 2009